Hello, I'm Prajwal.
I am a Software Developer. Welcome to my website!
The content of this site is mostly outdated (however, my skills are updated :)). Please check my resume for my latest work!


I am well versed in full stack software development. I am proficient in JavaScript, Java, React, Angular, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, Python and have some experience with other popular languages like C, Ruby, etc. I'm very passionate about software development and problem solving. I feel lucky to be living in today's world and witnessing computer science change everything about human civilization.


I currently work at Amazon (Alexa Connected Devices). Whenever you connect a device (bulb, plug, netflix, etc) with Alexa, your request probably goes through my code!

Software Developer

Code For San Jose, San Jose, CA

Volunteering for an organization that creates web applications to help out the community
Leveraging React.js to create responsive frontend for MERN stack application
Utilizing Express.js to create REST API and MongoDB to store and query data of users and administrators
Project can be found here

Front End Developer Intern

TIBCO Software Inc., Palo Alto, CA

Contributed to 3 different meaningful projects that are being utilized by employees and clients of TIBCO Leveraged Node.js to constructed an open source extension that can be used to create specification for TIBCO’s flogo-web app
Collaborated with 3 developers and the design team to make the user interface of TIBCO’s flogo-web application more consistent and user friendly using TypeScript, Angular, HTML, CSS and Javascript, find it here!
Contributed in rebuilding of an internal website to make it modern, more accessible, and responsive using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Markdown, Pug, Less, etc
Collaborated and communicated well with other developers and designers to attain the objectives of each project efficiently


In this dynamic world of computer science, constantly learning and enhancing technical skills is imperative. Here are some of the languages that I have knowledge of.
  • JavaScript

  • Java

  • HTML5

  • CSS3

  • React

  • Linux

  • Python

  • TypeScript

  • Angular

  • Git


Here are some of my recent projects. Clicking on them will take you to their github repositories.


College education has been instrumental in my growth and self-discovery. I graduated with Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science (Magna Cum Laude) in May 2021.

San Jose State University


G.P.A: 3.84
Graduation: May, 2021
Honors: SJSU Student Scholarship 2019, SJSU Spartan Scholarship 2020
Relevant coursework: Database Management Systems, Operating Systems, Data Structures and Algorithms, Software Engineering (Agile Methodology), Object Oriented Programming, Information Security


G.P.A: 3.84
Graduation: May, 2019
Honors: Inclusion in Dean's List of every semester.
Relevant coursework: Java Object Oriented Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms, UNIX/LINUX, Calculus I,II,III, etc.

College of San Mateo


If you want to reach out to me, you can contact me through email, or connect with me on LinkedIn.

Prajwal Pyakurel

Prajwal Pyakurel

Software Developer

Email: prazol.pp@gmail.com

2019 Prajwal Pyakurel